Rory Hill   |  Chercheur

Rory Hill is a research scholar in cultural geography and European expert on the concept of “terroir”. He completed his doctoral studies at the University of Oxford in 2016, and presented a thesis which explored the historical development of terroir in France, as well as its complex current role in both the appreciation of “provenance” and the achievement of sustainable agriculture.

A member of the Royal Geographical Society and the Wine Guild of the United Kingdom, Rory Hill has delivered many presentations at seminars and conferences in the UK and Europe. He co-organised the New Food Frontiers conference and Britain’s first Café Géographique event, both in Oxford, in 2014 and 2016. He was a co-founder and editor of the interdisciplinary journal Politics of Place, and has been a member of the Food 2.0 Lab since September 2016.


D.Phil. in Geography, Oxford University

Publications universitaires récentes :

  • « Staging a nation’s culinary geography at the Salon de l’Agriculture » Cultural Geographies (en cours).
  • « What’s in a name? Barrels and double-barrels of Burgundy » World of Fine Wine, 59, 102-13, 2018.
  • « Pour un terroir « d’écologie » : les vins en biodynamie » in Margétic C, Roth H et Pouzenc M dirs Les Campagnes européennes: espaces d’innovations dans un monde urbain Presses Universitaires du Midi, Toulouse, 89-101, 2018.
  • « Animating terroir in the French Alps » in Riding J et Jones M dirs Reanimating Regions: Culture, Politics and Performance Routledge, London, 242-62, 2017.

Thèmes de recherche

  • Risques, santé, sociétés
  • Comportements alimentaires
  • Gastronomie, food art
  • Ethique, environnement, bien-être animal
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FOOD 2.0 LAB : Articles récents

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