Débora de Carvalho Pereira   |  Research Affiliate

Born in Brazil, Debora de Carvalho Pereira is a researcher in Information Sciences. Her early research focused on the study of environmental movements and the formation of ideologies underlying the management of nature in contemporary times.  Her research is based on the “actor-network theory” and the mapping controversies methodology. She analysed environmentalist social networks along three main axes: 1. conservation of areas of high biodiversity and preservation of “natural beauty” (deep ecology); 2. the need for integration between ecology and culture (social ecology); 3. integration between economy and ecology (green economy).

Debora de Carvalho Pereira carried out a postdoc at the Medialab of Sciences Po Paris in 2013, under the direction of Tommaso Venturini, on the notion of “terroir” in the field of cheese production. She also carried out a study of online influencer networks in the field of dairy products, as part of the project “Revisiter l’évidence pasteurienne : les systèmes fromagers au lait cru” (Revisiting Pasteur’s obvious fact: the unpasteurized cheese systems)

In Brazil, Debora de Carvalho Pereira runs the SerTãoBras association, which carries out research and actions for the legalization of unpasteurized cheeses. She writes a weekly blog “Só Queijo” in the newspaper Estado de São Paulo. In France, she is also a journalist for Profession Fromager Magazine and Maître Fromager at the Guilde Internationale des Fromagers (a non profit that aims to gather the dairy network worldwide).


Ph.D. in Information Science, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil


Recent academic publications:

  • “Produits laitiers : les réseaux d’influence sur le Web”, Débora de Carvalho Pereira, Repastol, MediaLab, Sciences Po Paris, 2017.
  • “Pão de queijo (Cheese-bread): syncretism and admixture in Brazilian food culture”, in Culinary Encounters : Food, migrations and the making of identities, forthcoming, 2018.

Research Theme

  • Eating habits - Consumer behaviour
  • Food security - Health, Risk & Society
  • Food tech, innovation, products
  • Ethics, environment, animal welfare
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