In the News

Vegetarianism: Between Happiness and “Cognitive Dissonance”
In May 2017, Okja was presented in official competition at the Cannes Film Festival. The film by South Korean director Bong Joon-ho, and produced by Netflix, is an allegorical tale and fable about the ambiguous status of “meat” in our societies today. The film features Mija, a twelve year-old girl … More

Microbes & bacteria: the culinary revolution 2.0
In 2015, Rob Rhinehart, 26, software engineer and founder of the startup company Soylent, have been nominated by Inc. Magazine in their 2015 “best and brightest young entrepreneurs” list. Since 2013, his company markets Soylent, a beverage in the form of a powder to be mixed with water, and intended … More
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Digital natives, big data and new modes of food consumption
The growth of digital technology in our everyday lives (smartphones, apps, blogs, social networks, the internet of things) and the flood of data that comes with it, are having a major impact and are changing the way we eat without us necessarily even realizing it.

Rethinking Food & Food Safety through the Lens of Data Science, Genomics and Social Sciences
“Rethinking Food and Food Safety” explores the intersection of data science, genomics, and social sciences in food. With the world population set to reach 8 billion by 2024, it is imperative that we invent new ways to feed the world in a sustainable, safe and healthy manner.

The Taste of Coffee: novel cultures of consumption amongst the “new middle classes” of South Korea, China and Japan
The recent rapid growth in coffee consumption in Asia (especially in China and South Korea) is evidence of the profound changes taking place in Asian societies that are faced with the globalisation of the economy, of medicine, of representations of the body, and of lifestyle in general.

How changing ideas of health and well-being impact the way we eat?
Recent discoveries in genetics have both challenged how we understand nutrition and changed our perception of different food cultures. They even challenge the idea of health itself…

Food Atlas
Where does our food and drink come from? Which communities and which landscapes are these products connected to? Why do people eat spicy things in one place and fermented things in another? Why do people eat standing up here and sitting down there? When did people begin producing cereal crops? … More

Food Cultures and Territories : Anthropology of Food (latest issue)
“Food culture” has become a key notion in the European social sciences since the beginning of the 2000s. While anthropologists and sociologists consider food as a “total social fact” (Mauss), historians have broadened the term by connecting it to an accumulation of layers and ruptures in history and geographers have … More