Dominique Pagès   |  Professor - Researcher

Dominique Pagès is interested in the communication processes that currently appear  in “food” and more specifically in “eating cities”, including food places and – cultural and tourist – event calendar. Her research focuses on cultural and heritage metropolization: she analyses the imagination of nourishing cities and agri-urban places, “Cités de la Gastronomie” (A major French cultural and gastronomic project)  projects – in terms of public policies, cultural programming and interpretation center – and new jobs in agri-urban planning.

  • mediations and mediatization of food, culinary and gourmet cultures
  • the eating metropolis: symbolic factory and public mediations
  • places and times of urban agriculture
  • tourism and gourmet heritage
  • ecological art and food art: when activist art meet science
  • exhibition and “museumization” of food heritage

Dominique Pagès is also responsible for the CELSA Master in Cultures, Tourism and Communication.



Research Theme

  • Eating habits - Consumer behaviour
  • Food policy - Cities
  • Gastronomy, Food Art
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FOOD 2.0 LAB : Latest articles

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Microbes & bacteria: the culinary revolution 2.0

French Vegetarian Cuisine : a Foreign Affair ?

Vegetarianism: Between Happiness and “Cognitive Dissonance”

The Crying Laughing Cow

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