Ikuhiro Fukuda   |  Research Affiliate

Ikuhiro Fukuda is a professor at Waseda University in Tokyo. His research work focuses in particular on viticulture and its representations in the social imagination in France and Japan. He is the Japanese translator of Roger Dion’s masterly work, Histoire de la vigne et du vin en France depuis les origines jusqu’au XIXe siècle (History of vineyards and wine since the origins until the 19th century).

More generally, Ikuhiro Fukuda is interested in comparative food behaviours between Japanese and French gastronomy, from the question of the imagination of quality products for Japanese consumers to the structure of the meal and menus. He has worked on the evolution of Japanese dietary practices and sensitivities since the country opened in the late 19th century – and on how the great 1923 Kantō earthquake had a major, largely underestimated, influence. The reconstruction of Tokyo, based on the modernization of the urban space under Western cultural influence, transformed the way of eating in the Japanese capital city.

Ikuhiro Fukuda, based on the study of historical documents and academic works that study the city and its trade, showed how the reconstruction was an opportunity to make the old life of Edo disappear and led to a separation of the food space based on gender. In the lively districts, the restaurant of the department store are mostly frequented by women and the café by men.


Ph.D. in French Litterature, Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle

Recent academic publications: 

  • “La transformation des pratiques et des sensibilités alimentaires après le désastre de 1923. Modernisation et popularisation du nouveau Tokyo”, in Géographie et Cultures, 86, 2013, pp.13-29.
  • Traduire Dion en japonais, traduire le vin en saké Imaginaire traduit ou traduction de l’imaginaire ?” in Le bon vin entre terroir, savoir-faire et savoir-boire, sous la direction de Jean-Robert Pitte, CNRS Éditons, 2010, pp.137 – 145.
  • Paysage, imaginaire et produits de qualité pour les consommateurs japonais” , Nicolas Baumert & Ikuhiro Fukuda, in Nourrir les hommes, Éditions du Temps, 2008, pp.69 – 80.
  • Table ronde sur le thème du boire et du manger : Qu’est-ce qu’un menu ? — Repas à la française ou repas à la japonaise“, Revue japonaise de didactique du français; études francophones1(2), 2006, p.132-135.


Research Theme

  • Eating habits - Consumer behaviour
  • Food policy - Cities
  • Gastronomy, Food Art
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