Jean-Pierre Williot   |  Research Affiliate

Jean-Pierre Williot is a historian of techniques and innovation, Professor of Contemporary History at the François Rabelais University in Tours and Director of the LEA – The Food Team. He is also Vice-President of the Scientific Council of the European Institute of Food History and Cultures and co-director of the collection European Food Issues published by Peter Lang.

His research work focuses on the food sector and on network companies (gas, railways) to analyze innovation processes. He studies the various players of the food chain from the perspective of economic, technical and social change. His research subjects cover a diverse field including cooking techniques, food and mobility, history of food products, urban supply, the transmission of food cultures.


Ph.D. in History, Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

Recent academic publications:

Jean-Pierre Williot (Dir.), Du feu originel aux nouvelles cuissons. Pratiques, techniques, rôles sociaux du faire cuire, Editions Peter Lang, 2015, 376p

Manger en Europe, (Dir. Avec A.Campanini et P.Scholliers), collection « l’Europe alimentaire », Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2011, 262 p.

Research Theme

  • Food crisis, controversies
  • Eating habits - Consumer behaviour
  • Food policy - Cities
  • Gastronomy, Food Art
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