Karen Uriot   |  Research Affiliate

Karen Uriot is a researcher in cell biology and genomics. During her thesis, she discovered that the functions of the molecule she particularly researched are strongly influenced by the sugar level that is supplied to the cells. This molecule is important in many biological processes ranging from brain development to colorectal cancer. From these observations, she began a systemic reflection on the impact of humans and their food choices on their ecosystem, ranging from the agricultural landscape to the proteins that make up their cells.

Karen Uriot has also been trained in management and industrial property: she has developed expertise in managing innovative interdisciplinary projects – including biotech, medtech and e-health startup ecosystems.


Ph.D. Molecular Biology, Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII)


Recent academic publications:

  • “Les Protéines végétales : un nouvel eldorado nutritionnel” avec Christophe Lavelle, in L’Alimentation demain, CNRS Éditions, 2016, pp.181-196.
  • “Mechanical Checkpoint For Persistent Cell Polarization In Adhesion-Naive Fibroblasts”, with Philippe Bun, JunJun Liu, Herve Turlier, ZengZhen Liu, Jean-Francois Joanny, Maıte Coppey-Moisan, Biophysical Journal, Vol, 107 July 2014, pp. 324–335

Recent press articles: 

Research Theme

  • Eating habits - Consumer behaviour
  • Ethics, environment, animal welfare
  • Nutrition, genetics, epigenetics
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