Thinking with the sense of taste

artichautSeminar: Rethinking the future of food

Wednesday, January 18, 5pm at ISCC (20 rue Berbier-du-Mets 75013 Paris Métro 7 Les Gobelins) – Is it possible to think with our sense of taste? Most research and theoretical work on food and food cultures focuses on cooking techniques, cultural variations and foodstuffs themselves, while paying less attention to the sense of taste, as experienced in the body – that is nevertheless essential for us in our experience of receiving and appreciating flavors.

Certainly, within the Western philosophical tradition, there have been works that consider the senses generally and taste specifically, if only to remind us that this subjective sense was secondary to the sense of sight. But has anyone ever ventured as far as to consider taste as a form of thought itself?

Olivier Assouly is a philosopher and a research scholar at the IFM (Institut Français de la Mode) ; he is also research fellow at the Food 2.0 LAB.

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