cuisines du monde


L’Alimentation et la cuisine à Rome

Jacques André

Drinking : Behavior and Belief in Modern History

Susanna Barrows

Le Camembert, mythe français

Pierre Boisard

La gourmandise et la faim : histoire et symbolique de l&#...

Jean-Claude Bonnet

Food and Drink in Medieval Poland : Rediscovering a Cuisi...

Maria Dembinska

Le goût de l’Espagne – traditions gourmandes et rec...

Xavier Domingo

Le mythe gastronomique français

Alain Drouard

Eating and Ethics in Shakespeare’s England

David B. Goldstein

When Champagne Became French : Wine and the Making of a N...

Kolleen M. Guy

L’office et la bouche : Histoire des moeurs de la t...

Barbara Ketcham Wheaton

Histoire et identités alimentaires en Europe

Martin Bruegel, Bruno Laurioux

The Wine Revolution in France : The Twentieth Century

Leo A. Loubère

Premiers paysans des Alpes : Alimentation végétale et agr...

Lucie Martin

Français et Anglais à table

Stephen Mennell

Vatel et la naissance de la gastronomie

Dominique Michel

La Cuisine italienne : Histoire d’une culture

A. Capatti, M. Montanari

La Faim et l’Abondance. Histoire de l’aliment...

Massimo Montanari

Food, Energy and the Creation of Industriousness: Work an...

Craig Muldrew

Food Matters: Alonso Quijano’s Diet and the Discour...

Carolyn A. Nadeau

A votre santé ! Education et santé sous la IVe République

Didier Nourrisson

Tasting French Terroir : The History of an Idea

Thomas Parker

De la cuisine à la gastronomie : histoire de la table fra...

Patrick Rambourg

Bourgeois consumption – Food, space and identity in...

Rachel Rich

Savoureuse Roumanie – 358 recettes culinaires et le...

Radu Anton Roman

La Grande histoire du foie gras

Silvano Serventi

Feeding France: New Sciences of Food, 1760-1815

E. C. Spary

British Food – An Extraordinary Thousand Years of H...

Colin Spencer

Sugar and Spice – Grocers and Groceries in Provinci...

Jon Stobart

The Expert Cook in Enlightenment France

Sean Takats

Crafting the Culture and History of French Chocolate

Susan J. Terrio

The Culture of Food in England, 1200-1500

C.M. Woolgar

Mondes mediterrannéens

La Plus Vieille Cuisine du monde

Jean Bottero

Coffee and Coffeehouses – The Origins of a Social B...

Ralph S. Hattox

Sherbet and Spice : The Complete Story of Turkish Sweets ...

Mary Isin

Food Matters: Alonso Quijano’s Diet and the Discour...

Carolyn A. Nadeau

Les Fluides d’Aristote : Lait, sang et sperme dans ...

Salvatore D'Onofrio

La cuisine d’Istanbul au XIXe siècle

Ozge Samanci

Les pâtes : histoire d’une culture universelle

F. Sabban, S.Serventi

A la table du Grand Turc

Stéphane Yerasimos


Cuisine et Société en Afrique : Histoire – Saveurs ...


French Beans and Food Scares : Culture and Commerce in an...

Susanne Freidberg

Sociologie comparée du Cannibalisme

Georges Guille-Escuret

Stirring the Pot : A History of African Cuisine

James C. McCann

Maize and Grace: Africa’s Encounter with a New Worl...

James C. McCann

La cuisine congolaise

I. Goma Mouyokani, F. Mialoundama

Hog and Hominy – Soul Food from Africa to America

Frederick Douglass Opie

Food for Africa : The life and work of a scientist in GM ...

Jennifer Thomson

Rice and Beans : A Unique Dish in a Hundred Places

R. Wilk, L. Barbosa

Asie centrale et du sud-est

The Darjeeling Distinction : Labor and Justice on Fair-Tr...

Sarah Besky

Le curry : Une histoire gastronomique de l’Inde

Lizzie Collingham

The Georgian Feast

Darra Goldstein

The Eternal Food – Gastronomic Ideas and Experience...

R. S. Khare

La cuisine russe

Michel Parfenov

Appetites and Aspirations in Vietnam: Food and Drink in t...

Erica J. Peters

Vodka Politics : Alcohol, Autocracy, and the Secret Histo...

Mark L. Schrad

Cultures of Milk : The Biology and Meaning of Dairy Produ...

Andrea S. Wiley

Bosha Bhat to Biryani : The Legacy of Bangladeshi Cuisine

Niaz Zaman

Asie du nord-est (Chine, Japon, Coree)

The Essence of Japanese Cuisine : An Essay on Food and Cu...

M. Ashkenazi, J. Jacob

Le saké : Une exception japonaise

Nicolas Baumert

Histoire du thé

Paul Butel

The Story of Sushi : An Unlikely Saga of Raw Fish and Rice

Trevor Corson

Cuisine, Colonialism and Cold War : Food in Twentieth-Cen...

Katarzyna J. Cwiertka

Appetites : Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China

Judith Farquhar

Sociologie comparée du Cannibalisme

Georges Guille-Escuret

The Land of the Five Flavors : a Cultural History of Chin...

Thomas O. Höllmann

L’art culinaire au Japon

Naomichi Ishige

Slurp ! A Social and Culinary History of Ramen – Ja...

Barak Kushner

From Canton Restaurant to Panda Express : A History of Ch...

Haiming Liu

Mao’s Golden Mangoes and the Cultural Revolution

Alfreda Murck

Rice As Self : Japanese Identities Through Time

Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney

Les pâtes : histoire d’une culture universelle

F. Sabban, S.Serventi

Culinary Nostalgia : Regional Food Culture and the Urban ...

Mark Swislocki

Chopsticks: A Cultural and Culinary History

Q. Edward Wang

Scribes of Gastronomy: Representations of Food and Drink ...

Isaac Yue

Swallowing Clouds : A Playful Journey Through Chinese Cul...

Anthony Zee

Amerique du Nord

Drinking : Behavior and Belief in Modern History

Susanna Barrows

Appetite for Change – How the Counterculture Took O...

Warren Belasco

Inventing Baby Food : Taste, Health, and the Industrializ...

Amy Bentley

Eating Right in America : The Cultural Politics of Food a...

Charlotte Biltekoff

Chop Suey, USA – The Story of Chinese Food in America

Yong Chen

The Food Axis – Cooking, Eating, and the Architectu...

Elizabeth Collins Cromley

Gastropolis – Food and New York City

A. Hauck-Lawson, J. Deutsch

Labor and the Locavore – The Making of a Comprehens...

Margaret Gray

Sociologie comparée du Cannibalisme

Georges Guille-Escuret

Putting Meat on the American Table – Taste, Technol...

Roger Horowitz

La cuisine amérindienne – Un nouveau regard

Kayler Françoise, André Michel

Revolution at the Table: The Transformation of the Americ...

Harvey Levenstein

School Lunch Politics : The Surprising History of America...

Susan Levine

From Canton Restaurant to Panda Express : A History of Ch...

Haiming Liu

A Revolution In Eating – How the Quest for Food Sha...

James E. McWilliams

Measured Meals : Nutrition in America

Jessica J. Mudry

Hog and Hominy – Soul Food from Africa to America

Frederick Douglass Opie

Planet Taco : A Global History of Mexican Food

Jeffrey M. Pilcher

Que vivan los tamales ! : Food and the Making of Mexican ...

Jeffrey M. Pilcher

Orange Empire: California and the Fruits of Eden

Douglas Cazaux Sackman

Taverns and Drinking in Early America

Sharon V. Salinger

Perfection Salad : Women and Cooking at the Turn of the C...

Laura Shapiro

Everything but the Coffee – Learning about America ...

Bryant Simon

American Tuna : The Rise and Fall of an Improbable Food

Andrew F. Smith

Modern Food, Moral Food – Self-Control, Science, an...

Helen Zoe Veit

A Taste of Power : Food and American Identities

Katharina Vester

Cultures of Milk : The Biology and Meaning of Dairy Produ...

Andrea S. Wiley

Amerique du Sud

America’s First Cuisines

Sophie D. Coe

Pachamama – Cuisine des premières nations

Manuel Kak'wa Kurtness

Coffee, Society, and Power in Latin America

W. Roseberry, L. Gudmundson, M. Samper Kutschbach

Rice and Beans : A Unique Dish in a Hundred Places

R. Wilk, L. Barbosa

Home Cooking in the Global Village : Caribbean Food from ...

Richard Wilk


The Pavlova Story : A Slice of New Zealand’s Culina...

Helen Leach

Bold Palates : Australia’s Gastronomic Heritage

Barbara Santich

One Continuous Picnic : A Gastronomic History of Australia

Michael Symons

First Catch Your Weka : The Story of New Zealand Cooking

David Veart