politiques alimentaires, villes

The Essence of Japanese Cuisine : An Essay on Food and Cu...

M. Ashkenazi, J. Jacob

Une autre assiette – une assiette qui protège notre santé...

Claude Aubert

La cuisine des tribus

Claude Baran

Appetite for Change – How the Counterculture Took O...

Warren Belasco

Inventing Baby Food : Taste, Health, and the Industrializ...

Amy Bentley

Tsukiji : The Fish Market at the Center of the World

Theodore C. Bestor

La gourmandise et la faim : histoire et symbolique de l&#...

Jean-Claude Bonnet

Food and Everyday Life in the Postsocialist World

Melissa L. Caldwell

Black Rice : The African Origins of Rice Cultivation in t...

Judith A. Carney

World Hunger : 10 Myths

F. Moore Lappé, J. Collins

Forces of Habit : Drugs and the Making of the Modern World

David T. Courtwright

Cuisine, Colonialism and Cold War : Food in Twentieth-Cen...

Katarzyna J. Cwiertka

Boire et manger en Franche-Comté : Une histoire de l̵...

Paul Delsalle

Gastropolis – Food and New York City

A. Hauck-Lawson, J. Deutsch

Building a Housewife’s Paradise : Gender, Politics,...

Tracey Deutsch

De la souillure – Essai sur les notions de pollution et d...

Mary Douglas

Nature’s Perfect Food : How Milk Became AmericaR...

E. Melanie DuPuis

Appetites : Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China

Judith Farquhar

Histoire des peurs alimentaires – du Moyen-Age à l&...

Madeleine Ferrieres

Animals as Food – (Re)connecting Production, Proces...

Amy J. Fitzgerald

French Beans and Food Scares : Culture and Commerce in an...

Susanne Freidberg

Hamburgers au Paradis

Louise O. Fresco

Labor and the Locavore – The Making of a Comprehens...

Margaret Gray

Agrarian Dreams : The Paradox of Organic Farming in Calif...

Julie Guthman

Pubs and Progressives : Reinventing the Public House in E...

David W. Gutzke

Putting Meat on the American Table – Taste, Technol...

Roger Horowitz

Le complot de famine : histoire d’une rumeur au XVI...

Steven L. Kaplan

The Eternal Food – Gastronomic Ideas and Experience...

R. S. Khare

School Lunch Politics : The Surprising History of America...

Susan Levine

La Pomme de Terre – Histoire et Recettes Gourmandes

Jean-François Mallet

LES PRODUITS DE TERROIR – entre cultures et règlements

L. Bérard, P. Marchenay

La douceur et le pouvoir : La place du sucre dans l’histo...

Sidney Mintz

Mao’s Golden Mangoes and the Cultural Revolution

Alfreda Murck

Why calories count : From science to politics

M. Nestle, M. Nesheim

Sodas Politics

Marion Nestle

Safe Food : The Politics of Food Safety, Updated and Expa...

Marion Nestle

Food Politics : How the Food Industry Influences Nutritio...

Marion Nestle

Pineapple Culture A History of the Tropical and Temperate...

Gary Y. Okihiro

Tasting French Terroir : The History of an Idea

Thomas Parker

Terra madre : renouer avec la chaîne vertueuse de l’...

Carlo Petrini